“Letay TV”, the 1st mobile television project in the Republic of Tatarstan, has been launched by Tattelecom to augment its current range of services and offer regional subscribers comprehensive and modern TV watching opportunities. The complex of TV technologies integrated for “Letay TV” includes advanced infrastructure for live video delivery and white-label client-side software optimized for multiplatform devices.
Tattelecom is the biggest operator of fixed-line telecommunications in the Republic of Tatarstan, maintaining the leading position in the region. Tattelecom offers a full range of telecommunication services including data connection network services, internet access, local and regional telephone communications and mobile telecommunications. These services are provided under the Letay brand in Tatarstan.
Tattelecom is famous for its innovative approach to telecommunication technologies. To augment its current range of services and offer regional subscribers comprehensive and modern TV watching opportunities, Tattelecom has launched the “Letay TV” mobile television project in the Republic of Tatarstan. In providing its services, Tattelecom cooperates with leaders in the industry, therefore SPB TV, a leading developer of technological solutions, has been chosen as a partner of the project. The initiative is powered by SPB TV mobile TV solution. The complex of TV technologies integrated for “Letay TV” includes advanced infrastructure for live video delivery and white-label client-side software optimized for multiplatform devices. SPB TV specialists installed the necessary equipment in Tatarstan to ensure the high quality of video from the Tattelecom Company to the screens of mobile devices.
SPB TV solution enables “Letay TV” viewers to watch popular federal and regional TV channels on Android mobile devices for free. At present, there are 19 channels available to users, including TV channels produced in the Republic of Tatarstan – Efir, TNV, Maidan, TMTV, iTV. “Letay TV” supports all must-have mobile TV features, such as fast channel preview, picture-in-picture mode, EPG and integration with social web-resources. In the nearest future applications for iPhones and iPads will be released. New channels are constantly being added. Additional TV channels and services will be made available to subscribers with its commercial launch, which scheduled for early 2014. Prior to the launch, a billing system will be integrated and clients for various other operating systems will be introduced along with further changes.
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