
01 / June / 2020

Fantastic employees and where to find them

OTT TV industry is one of most burning industries and it changes every day. Ideas emerge daily and most of them are brilliant. But idea costs nothing without proper implementation: the industry needs people.

How to find them? Where? Who are the best choice?

Fantastic employees and where to find them

Applying traditional, conservative HR methods is useless: looking for proper age, education and working experience won’t work. Current situation requires searching adequate combination of soft skills and hard skills.

With the quantity of diverse IT professionals such task is close to rock graveling for gold.

So, what should one do to employ? We offer some principles that will help to create The Team.

First, be slow and sure

In IT, things can change in an instant. One second you think you have a complete team, only to realize that things would be that much better if you had a person dedicated to SEO or Cotlin. It seems red-hot to have this individual on the team as quickly as possible.

While understanding the urgency, do not rush the process. If you’re too quick to hire a long-term developer, there is quite a chance that your choice will be wrong. In order to build a team that will reach your organization’s goals, you need to be patient.

SPB TV is proud of its team. Our workforce consists of the best professionals in IT, sales and marketing. Best people make best products, as SPB TV services are.

Talk to SPB TV team

Make your team high-powered with passionate technologists

You would love to have these people, because they’ll go above and beyond the technical side of your organization. They’ll keep you up to date on the latest techniques and eager to help your company succeed. It’s easy to spot these passionate individuals during the interview process – ask interviewees about outside projects. If they’re passionate about what they do, you’ll be able to tell by how they talk about it. Grab the passionate ones.

Top players breed top teams. This means that technologists are attracted to similarly talented technologists. Developers don’t work for the money alone – they work for the mental challenge. If they’re not being surrounded by similarly talented people who will push them to think, you’re going to have a hard time getting an A-player on your team. Make a conscious decision to put the efforts and resources into obtaining the right players.

Make your team efficient with business people

Too often, organizations hire developers who can write exceptional code in their sleep, but who don’t have an idea of what the business does. The best teams are made of individuals who not only understand technology, but also business. They’re able to understand how their contributions will aid the company. Without this knowledge the end product tends to lack a certain functionality or usability.

Make your team well-knit with bright personalities

You may be tempted to hire only high-skilled professionals, but you may regret not hiring a high-communicative one when team personalities start clashing. The clue is finding a balance between a good technical fit for the team and a good personality fit. That’s the only way that you’ll be able to keep your other qualified technologists.

Right person to hire is someone who not only fits the team, but completes the team. It’s someone who brings a skill to the table that no one else has. Only by looking for diversity in skill will your team be able to grow, face the upcoming challenges, and succeed.

Stop being formal, be true and efficient

There is no all-purpose method to build up a team, to run company life. Every point like days off, time count, restrictions and so on should be aimed to improve work. Formality, bureaucracy and rigmarole are sworn enemies for you team and for your business.

Want to know more about SPB TV solutions for OTT TV? Contact us at, and we will be happy to answer all your questions!